I've been back in the US for almost 1 week now, and I wanted to reflect on my trip. School has been very busy, but I've still had some time to think about and process the month I spent abroad. Feel free to leave a comment or email me with any questions about Southeast Asia (especially if you are planning a trip!) I was going to upload some videos and photos from Japan, but tragically I lost my camera in Mexico this week (it was left out and stolen) so those are gone forever. :( At least the rest of my pics were uploaded to Photobucket!
*Necessities for backpacking abroad:
1. Toilet paper!! --> It's hard to find over there so I was always prepared with my own mini role!
2. Hand sanitizer --> Self explanatory
3. Map and compass --> Nicole took on the role of map reader, but we both decided that it would have been much easier with a compass too.
4. An open mind --> Normally I am a very impatient person, but I learned how to relax.
*What I learned about myself:
1. I can live in a developing country.
2. I can squat, even though I prefer a Western toilet.
3. I can go 31 days without a cell phone.
4. I cannot go 31 days without the Internet.
5. I can live on $20/day if necessary (N/A in the US!) and forgo luxury items, such as expensive clothing, makeup, and a car.
*What I missed most about home while I was away:
1. Jeremy (of course!)
2. My bathroom with a Western toilet that flushes and a dry floor.
3. Peace and quiet --> I could never walk more than a foot without someone approaching me to buy something or a car horn blaring. Then again, it wouldn't be SEAsia without these things!
4. San Diego weather
5. Salad --> Asian food is great, but I didn't get many fresh veggies.
*Where I'm off to next!?
I just got back from a 3 day trip to Tecate, Mexico with my MBA cohort for a leadership course. I didn't blink an eye when I had to face some uncomfortable cultural differences. After backpacking, I was already prepared!
-Asia or South America
In January, I get to go abroad for school. My options are...
1. Class in Hong Kong; consult in Shanghai or Bangalore* (I'm leaning towards this one)
2. Class in Rio de Janeiro; consult in Buenos Aires
I have a tough decision to make, but I will be sure to make another blog when I am away for those 3-4 weeks, no matter where I am. Thanks again for following me!
*In Summary:
Southeast Asia was an amazing experience, and I sincerely enjoyed what each country had to offer. I learned a lot about other cultures, and I learned a lot about myself as well. I am so thankful I had this opportunity!

Welcome back! I enjoyed following your travels. Can't wait to see you guys again real soon. Understandable if we can't make the once-a-month visit but let's definitely try every other! Good luck with school!