Bangkok is still proving to be super fun. Yesterday, we got a 30 min Thai foot/leg massage for under $4 and it was amazing! Then, today Nicole & I caved and got Starbucks for $4 each...Oops! That just goes to show you how drastically the pricing varies when you try to purchase something American. This Starbucks was a little off a street called "Street of Art & Culture." Hmmm ok. I did try to be as cultural as possible (considering I was at a Starbucks) by ordering the Thai frap with jelly. Yes jelly. They put it in the bottom of the cup and it comes up as you drink it. Not my favorite, but I'm glad I tried it! Nicole thought my drink was absolutely disgusting.
Before our afternoon highlight of the day which was Starbucks (haha), we went to the floating market!! We took a 1 1/2 hour tour bus with 8 others to the market outside of Bangkok. The ride was a great way to meet other travelers, and we have since befriended Anna from Scotland and Mo from Germany. We are all going out together tonight for drinks on Kho Sahn Road (backpacking area.) Yay! What a great way to spend our final night in Bangkok.
The floating market was quite an interesting site. We took a speed boat to the pier which was really fun and reminded Nicole of the Jungle Cruise at Disney Land! Lol. Then, we took a paddle boat in the middle of all the vendors who were trying to sell us everything from fresh fruit, to pad thai, to fans and hats. We all enjoyed fresh fruit and coconut ice cream. :) I also bought a pashmina bc I forgot to bring something to keep me warm in the super A/C areas. (It seriously goes from one extreme to another.) On our speed boat ride to get to the floating market, we saw a lot of shacks where people live on the river. Women were outside washing their clothes in the river. I wonder how all this tourism has affected them. Do they profit from us, or are they just annoyed and upset that we have completely changed their homes?
Some random/funny things to mention...
- I have heard "Bleeding Love" 2x so far. I love that song! It reminds me of my hubby. :) They love to play American music here, and I must admit, it is comforting.
- Last night, we had an amazing authentic Thai dinner. My vegetarian fried tofu + green onion dish on rice was only 25 baht! That is less than $1!! Definitely the best deal of the trip so far.
- I ordered Pad Thai from a vegetarian street vendor and she let me cook it a little bit with her!
I feel like a lot of this trip is revolving around food, but honestly, it is noteworthy. So tasty and cheap!
- Coconut pancakes are amazing. They are teeny tiny treats that look like mini fried eggs.
- Nicole and I have napped for 2 hours every day before we go out. Still jet lagged I suppose?
Tomorrow Nicole and I are taking a bus to Cambodia! Now is when the trip gets even more exciting because the next 3 countries are compeltely new to me! We have a lot to figure out on our way, but I'm pretty sure the trip will take about 7 hours? Eek! Wish us luck! The next time I sign on will be from Siem Reap, Cambodia!
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